
in package

Class that handles file uploads and checking types

Table of Contents

$extension  : string
$fileId  : int
$filePath  : string
$mime  : string
$ref  : string
$size  : int
$srcName  : string
$res  : Request
__construct()  : mixed
Creates the upload object
audio()  : int
Uploads a file, which must be an audio
image()  : int
Uploads a file, which must be an image
upload()  : int
Uploads a file to an upload folder
video()  : int
Uploads a file, which must be a video



public string $extension

File extension of the uploading file


public int $fileId

File Id, set after upload


public string $filePath

Path to the uploading file


public int $size

Size of the uploading file in bytes


public string $srcName

Source name of the uploading file



Creates the upload object

public __construct(mixed $res) : mixed
$res : mixed
Return values


Uploads a file, which must be an audio

public audio(string $file, string $uploadDir[, string $maxSize = FILE_SIZE_10MB ]) : int

An implementation of the upload method with a audio filter. This function will handle file uploads for you and make sure the type and the size are as defined. It also handles the movement to an upload folder. Be sure to change upload_max_filesize and post_max_size in you php.ini

$file : string

The file attribute from POST. Example $_POST["voice_rec"]

$uploadDir : string

The path to which the file will be uploaded

$maxSize : string = FILE_SIZE_10MB

The maximum size of the file. Use the defined constants like FILE_SIZE_10MB

Return values

The result of the upload. This could be something like UPLOAD_SUCCESS or UPLOAD_ERROR_TOO_BIG


Uploads a file, which must be an image

public image(string $file, string $uploadDir[, string $maxSize = FILE_SIZE_2MB ]) : int

An implementation of the upload method with an image filter. This function will handle file uploads for you and make sure the type and the size are as defined. It also handles the movement to an upload folder. Be sure to change upload_max_filesize and post_max_size in you php.ini

$file : string

The file attribute from POST. Example $_POST["profile_picture"]

$uploadDir : string

The path to which the file will be uploaded

$maxSize : string = FILE_SIZE_2MB

The maximum size of the file. Use the defined constants like FILE_SIZE_2MB

Return values

The result of the upload. This could be something like UPLOAD_SUCCESS or UPLOAD_ERROR_TOO_BIG


Uploads a file to an upload folder

public upload(string $file, string $uploadDir, string $maxSize, array<string|int, string> $typeArray) : int

This function will handle file uploads for you and make sure the type and the size are as defined. It also handles the movement to an upload folder. Be sure to change upload_max_filesize and post_max_size in you php.ini

$file : string

The file attribute from POST. Example $_POST["profile_picture"]

$uploadDir : string

The path to which the file will be uploaded

$maxSize : string

The maximum size of the file. Use the defined constants like FILE_SIZE_2MB

$typeArray : array<string|int, string>

An array of allowed filetypes like ["jpg", "png"]

Return values

The result of the upload. This could be something like UPLOAD_SUCCESS or UPLOAD_ERROR_TOO_BIG


Uploads a file, which must be a video

public video(string $file, string $uploadDir[, string $maxSize = FILE_SIZE_100MB ]) : int

An implementation of the upload method with a video filter. This function will handle file uploads for you and make sure the type and the size are as defined. It also handles the movement to an upload folder. Be sure to change upload_max_filesize and post_max_size in you php.ini

$file : string

The file attribute from POST. Example $_POST["recording"]

$uploadDir : string

The path to which the file will be uploaded

$maxSize : string = FILE_SIZE_100MB

The maximum size of the file. Use the defined constants like FILE_SIZE_100MB

Return values

The result of the upload. This could be something like UPLOAD_SUCCESS or UPLOAD_ERROR_TOO_BIG

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