
z_statisticsModel extends z_model
in package

The statistics model handles log data

Table of Contents

$booter  : z_framework
$lastInsertId  : int
$z_db  : z_db
__construct()  : mixed
Creates a z_model instance.
countResults()  : int
Returns the number of results in the last query.
countTableEntries()  : int
Returns the number of datasets in a table.
exec()  : z_db
Executes a query as a prepared statement.
getFullTable()  : array<string|int, array<string|int, mixed>>
Selects a full table or specified fields of it and returns the result as two-dimensional array.
getInsertId()  : int
Returns the last insert id. Ignores inserts done by log.
getLogCategories()  : array<string|int, array<string|int, mixed>>
Returns a list of all log categorys
getLogCategoryIdByName()  : int
Gets the ID of a log category. If a category does not exist, this function will create it.
getLogTableByCategories()  : array<string|int, array<string|int, mixed>>
Gets logs specified by attributes
getModel()  : z_model
Returns a model
getResult()  : null|bool|mysqli_result
Returns the result of the last query.
getTableWhere()  : array<string|int, array<string|int, mixed>>
Selects a full table or specified fields, filtered with an additional where statement. It returns the result as a two-dimensional array.
heartbeat()  : void
Runs a very lightweight query to keep the connection alive.
logAction()  : mixed
Logs an action.
logActionByCategory()  : mixed
Logs an action.
resultToArray()  : array<string|int, array<string|int, mixed>>
Converts the result of the last query into an array and returns it.
resultToLine()  : array<string|int, mixed>|null
Returns one line of the last query.



protected int $lastInsertId

Holds the last ID returned from an insert query. Does not change during logging.


protected z_db $z_db

Reference to the database proxy



Creates a z_model instance.

public __construct(z_db &$z_db, z_framework $booter) : mixed

This constructor should only be called from the booter. If you need a model, use $booter->getModel() instead.

$z_db : z_db

The database proxy class (Usually one lives in the booter)

$booter : z_framework

Booter object

Return values


Returns the number of results in the last query.

public countResults() : int
Return values

Number of results in the last query


Returns the number of datasets in a table.

public countTableEntries(string $table) : int
$table : string

Name of the table in the database

Return values

Number of datasets in the specified table


Executes a query as a prepared statement.

public exec(string $query[, string $types = "" ][, mixed $params = null ]) : z_db
$query : string

The query written as a prepared statement (with question marks).

$types : string = ""

The types for the individual parameters (i for int, s for string...).

$params : mixed = null
Return values

Returning this for chaining


Selects a full table or specified fields of it and returns the result as two-dimensional array.

public getFullTable(string $table[, string $fields = "*" ]) : array<string|int, array<string|int, mixed>>
$table : string

Name of the table in the database

$fields : string = "*"

Fields to select. Formatted as in an SQL query ("*", "a, b, c"...)

Return values
array<string|int, array<string|int, mixed>>

A two-dimensional array with the results of the select statement


Returns the last insert id. Ignores inserts done by log.

public getInsertId() : int
Return values

The ID of the dataset created in the last insert


Returns a list of all log categorys

public getLogCategories() : array<string|int, array<string|int, mixed>>
Return values
array<string|int, array<string|int, mixed>>

The list from the database


Gets the ID of a log category. If a category does not exist, this function will create it.

public getLogCategoryIdByName(string $name) : int
$name : string

Name of the category

Return values

ID of the log category


Gets logs specified by attributes

public getLogTableByCategories(string $start, string $end, int $categories) : array<string|int, array<string|int, mixed>>
$start : string

The start date from which logs should be returned in a sql format

$end : string

The end date to which the logs should be returned in sql format

$categories : int

A list of category ids

Return values
array<string|int, array<string|int, mixed>>

The datasets from the database in an array


Returns the result of the last query.

public getResult() : null|bool|mysqli_result
Return values

Result of the last query


Selects a full table or specified fields, filtered with an additional where statement. It returns the result as a two-dimensional array.

public getTableWhere(string $table, string $fields, string $where) : array<string|int, array<string|int, mixed>>
$table : string

Name of the table in the database

$fields : string

Fields to select. Formatted as in an SQL query ("*", "a, b, c"...)

$where : string

The where statement in the query. Formatted as in an SQL query ("a = 4 AND c = 4"...);

Return values
array<string|int, array<string|int, mixed>>

Two-dimensional array with table data


Runs a very lightweight query to keep the connection alive.

public heartbeat([bool $waitForTimeout = true ]) : void
$waitForTimeout : bool = true

If set to true, only ping if no other query has been made within the timeout period

Return values


Logs an action.

public logAction(int $categoryId, string $text[, int $value = null ]) : mixed

Does not increase the insertId.

$categoryId : int

ID of the category in the database

$text : string


$value : int = null

Optional value

Return values


Logs an action.

public logActionByCategory(string $categoryName, string $text[, int $value = null ]) : mixed

Does not increase the insertId. If the category does not exist, it will be created.

$categoryName : string

Name of the category in the database.

$text : string


$value : int = null

Optional value

Return values


Converts the result of the last query into an array and returns it.

public resultToArray() : array<string|int, array<string|int, mixed>>
Return values
array<string|int, array<string|int, mixed>>

Results of the last query as two-dimensional array


Returns one line of the last query.

public resultToLine() : array<string|int, mixed>|null
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>|null

Line of the last result

Search results