
in package

First class that is instantiated during a request.

Table of Contents

$action_pattern_replacement  : array<string|int, array<string|int, mixed>>
$ActionStack  : array<string|int, string>
$config  : array<string|int, mixed>
$config_file  : string
$ControllerStack  : array<string|int, string>
$dbhost  : string
$dbname  : string
$dbpassword  : string
$dbusername  : string
$host  : string
$maxReroutes  : int
$req  : Request
$reroutes  : int
$res  : Response
$root  : string
$rootFolder  : string
$settings  : array<string|int, mixed>
$showErrors  : int
$url  : string
$urlParts  : array<string|int, string>
$user  : User
$z_controllers  : string
$z_db  : z_db
$z_framework_root  : string
$z_models  : string
$z_views  : string
$conn  : mysqli
$defaultIndex  : string
$modelCache  : array<string|int, z_Model>
$rootDirectory  : string
__construct()  : mixed
Parses all the options as variables, instantiates the z_db, and establishes the db connection.
execute()  : mixed
Executes the requested action
executePath()  : mixed
Executes an action for a specified path
getModel()  : z_model
Returns a model
getViewPath()  : string
Returns the path of a view. If the view does not exist, this function will fall back to the framework defaults.
updateErrorHandling()  : mixed
Updates the error handling state
decodePost()  : mixed
Decodes all data sent via POST. Decoding method can be determined by the prefix of the value.
parseUrl()  : mixed
Used to parse the URL into parts and parameters Format: root/class/method/parameter/parameter/.
rest()  : mixed
Answers this request with a REST



public array<string|int, array<string|int, mixed>> $action_pattern_replacement = [["-", "_"], [".", "§2E"], ["ä", "ae"], ["ö", "oe"], ["ü", "ue"]]

Replacement patterns for action names


public array<string|int, string> $ActionStack = []

All visited actions as an array


public array<string|int, mixed> $config = []

An associative array of key-value config parameters


public string $config_file = "z_config/z_settings.ini"

Path to the config file


public array<string|int, string> $ControllerStack = []

All visited controllers as an array


public string $dbhost

Hostname of the machine on which the database resides


public string $dbname

Name of the database


public string $dbpassword

Password for the database connection


public string $dbusername

Username for the database connection


public string $host

Name of the host of this page


public int $maxReroutes = 10

Number of reroutes the controller can perform before aborting


public Request $req

A reference to an instance of the Request class


public int $reroutes = 0

Number of times this request was rerouted


public Response $res

A reference to an instance of the Response class


public string $root

Absolute path to the page


public string $rootFolder

Path to the root folder


public array<string|int, mixed> $settings

Stores the z_framework settings


public int $showErrors

Defines what errors should be shown


public string $url

URL to reach this page


public array<string|int, string> $urlParts

Exploded URL


public string $z_controllers = "z_controllers/"

Directory in which the controllers live


public z_db $z_db

Database proxy object


public string $z_framework_root = "z_framework/"

Directory where the framework files live


public string $z_models = "z_models/"

Directory in which the models live


public string $z_views = "z_views/"

Directory of the views


private mysqli $conn

Database connection object


private string $defaultIndex

Name of the controller when none is specifically selected


private array<string|int, z_Model> $modelCache = []

Stores all already used models for this request


private string $rootDirectory

Path to the root directory



Parses all the options as variables, instantiates the z_db, and establishes the db connection.

public __construct([mixed $params = [] ]) : mixed
$params : mixed = []
Return values


Executes the requested action

public execute([array<string|int, mixed>|null $customUrlParts = null ]) : mixed
$customUrlParts : array<string|int, mixed>|null = null

Example: ["panel", "index"]

Return values


Executes an action for a specified path

public executePath(array<string|int, mixed> $parts) : mixed
$parts : array<string|int, mixed>

Example: ["auth", "login"]

Return values


Returns a model

public getModel(string $model[, string $dir = null ]) : z_model
$model : string

Name of the model

$dir : string = null

Set this when the model is stored in a specific directory

Return values

The model


Returns the path of a view. If the view does not exist, this function will fall back to the framework defaults.

public getViewPath(mixed ...$documents) : string
$documents : mixed
Return values

Relative path to the view file


Updates the error handling state

public updateErrorHandling([int|null $state = null ]) : mixed
$state : int|null = null
Return values


Decodes all data sent via POST. Decoding method can be determined by the prefix of the value.

private decodePost() : mixed
Return values


Used to parse the URL into parts and parameters Format: root/class/method/parameter/parameter/.

private parseUrl() : mixed


Return values


Answers this request with a REST

private rest(mixed $options) : mixed
$options : mixed
Return values

Search results