
in package

Proxy for all database access. Also holds utility functions

Table of Contents

$booter  : z_framework
$connectTimeout  : int
$insertId  : int
$lastConnect  : int
$lastHeartbeat  : int
$result  : null|bool|mysqli_result
$conn  : mysqli
$stmt  : mysqli_stmt
__construct()  : mixed
When instanced, a db connection is given as a refrence
__destruct()  : mixed
Closes the database connection on exit
assertConnection()  : mixed
checkIfExists()  : bool
Checks if a value exists in a table.
checkIfUnique()  : bool
Checks if a value is already in a table. Can also ignore a dataset.
connect()  : void
Make a connection to the database
countResults()  : int
Returns the number of results in the last query
countTableEntries()  : int
Returns the number of datasets in a table
disconnect()  : void
Disconnect from the database
exec()  : z_db
Executes a query as prepared statement
getFullTable()  : array<string|int, array<string|int, mixed>>
Selects a full table or specified fields of it and returns the result as two dimensional array
getInsertId()  : int
Returns the id of the last inserted element
getTableWhere()  : array<string|int, array<string|int, mixed>>
Selects a full table of specified fields of it filtered with an additional where statement. It returns the result as two dimensional array
heartbeat()  : void
Run a very lightweight query to keep the connection alive
mergeAsGroup()  : array<string|int, array<string|int, mixed>>
Converts the result of the last query into a grouped array
resultToArray()  : array<string|int, array<string|int, mixed>>
Converts the result of the last query into an array and returns it
resultToLine()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Returns one line of the last query



public int $connectTimeout

Database connection timeout in seconds. Defaults to 0.5 hours


public int $insertId

Last insert id


public int $lastConnect

Unix timestamp of the last database connect


public int $lastHeartbeat

Unix timestamp of the last database connect


public null|bool|mysqli_result $result

Result of the last query


private mysqli $conn

Connection to the database


private mysqli_stmt $stmt

Prepared statement object used for queries



When instanced, a db connection is given as a refrence

public __construct(mixed &$booter) : mixed
$booter : mixed
Return values


Closes the database connection on exit

public __destruct() : mixed
Return values


public assertConnection() : mixed
Return values


Checks if a value exists in a table.

public checkIfExists(string $table, string $field, mixed $value) : bool

Table and field names are inserted unescaped. Check your input.

$table : string

Name of the table to check in

$field : string

Name of the field in that a value should exist

$value : mixed

Value to check for

Return values

True when exists


Checks if a value is already in a table. Can also ignore a dataset.

public checkIfUnique(string $table, string $field, mixed $value[, string $ignoreField = null ][, string $ignoreValue = null ]) : bool

Table and field names are inserted unescaped. Check your input.

$table : string

Name of the table to check in

$field : string

Field to check in

$value : mixed

Value to check for

$ignoreField : string = null

field of a dataset to ignore

$ignoreValue : string = null

value of the in the argument before defined field of the dataset to ignore

Return values

True when not exists


Make a connection to the database

public connect([string $charset = "utf8mb4" ][, bool $firstConnection = false ]) : void
$charset : string = "utf8mb4"
$firstConnection : bool = false

Determine if this a reconnect

Return values


Returns the number of results in the last query

public countResults() : int
Return values

Number of results in the last query


Returns the number of datasets in a table

public countTableEntries(string $table) : int
$table : string

Name of the table in the database

Return values

Number of datasets in the specified table


Disconnect from the database

public disconnect([bool $forceClose = false ]) : void
$forceClose : bool = false

Close the connection regardless of if it seems to be open

Return values


Executes a query as prepared statement

public exec(string $query) : z_db
$query : string

Query written as prepared statement (that thing with the question marks as placeholders)

Return values

Returning this for chaining


Selects a full table or specified fields of it and returns the result as two dimensional array

public getFullTable(string $table[, string $fields = "*" ]) : array<string|int, array<string|int, mixed>>
$table : string

Name of the table in the database

$fields : string = "*"

Fields to select. Formatted as in an SQL query ("*", "a, b, c"...)

Return values
array<string|int, array<string|int, mixed>>

A two dimensional array with the results of the select statement


Returns the id of the last inserted element

public getInsertId() : int
Return values

Id of the last inserted element


Selects a full table of specified fields of it filtered with an additional where statement. It returns the result as two dimensional array

public getTableWhere(string $table[, string $fields = "*" ][, string $where = "" ][, string $types = "" ][, array<string|int, mixed> $values = [] ]) : array<string|int, array<string|int, mixed>>
$table : string

Name of the table in the database

$fields : string = "*"

Fields to select. Formatted as in a SQL query ("*", "a, b, c"...)

$where : string = ""

The where statement in the query. Formatted as in a SQL query (a = 4 AND c = 4...);

$types : string = ""

String with the types. Conform to prepared statements ("ssis")

$values : array<string|int, mixed> = []

The values to insert in the prepared statement

Return values
array<string|int, array<string|int, mixed>>

two dimensional array with table data


Run a very lightweight query to keep the connection alive

public heartbeat([mixed $waitForTimeout = true ]) : void
$waitForTimeout : mixed = true
Return values


Converts the result of the last query into a grouped array

public mergeAsGroup(string $groupBy[, string $subElement = null ]) : array<string|int, array<string|int, mixed>>
$groupBy : string

The field, by which the array is grouped by

$subElement : string = null

If set, the only a sub element of the grouped element is returned

Return values
array<string|int, array<string|int, mixed>>

Results of the last query as two dimensional array with the index as thr groupBy value


Converts the result of the last query into an array and returns it

public resultToArray([mixed $out = [] ]) : array<string|int, array<string|int, mixed>>
$out : mixed = []
Return values
array<string|int, array<string|int, mixed>>

Results of the last query as two dimensional array


Returns one line of the last query

public resultToLine() : array<string|int, mixed>
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

Line of the last result

Search results